Gamma-O Brings Home Awards Haul from 2023 Grand Conclave
Undergraduate and Alumni Gamma-Os with the SEC
Kappa Sigma Brothers and friends,
Recently seven undergraduate members and an alumnus attended the Kappa Sigma Grand Conclave event in Charlottesville, VA. In addition to networking with other chapters and alumni, attending education training sessions, touring HQ and the campus at University of Virginia, the brothers brought home several awards from the Finest Hour Banquet held at the John Paul Jones Arena. In addition to their 4th straight Founder’s Award for Chapter Excellence awarded to the top 10% of Kappa Sigma chapters, the guys brought home:
● Outstanding Single Community Service Event for their participation in Rock Chalk Revue which raised almost $40,000!
● A certificate for being a Top-25 Recruiting Chapter (19th overall)
● A certificate for 100% Ritual Proficiency
● And, the Kansas District, which includes KU, K State, Baker, and Washburn, brought home the award for Most Improved District!
Brothers from the Kansas District, including KU, K State, and Washburn, with members of the SEC